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Online Storage and Datastore Tutors across the globe

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2 Storage and Datastore Tutors Found

Kam Tat L.

Kam Tat L.

Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • Container Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Storage and Datastore
Experienced AWS Cloud Engineer
- 6 years experience in AWS - Kubernetes administrator of cluster with more than 100 nodes - Experienced in both data engineering and data science
  • Container Engine, Kubernetes Engine, Storage and Datastore
Experienced AWS Cloud Engineer
- 6 years experience in AWS - Kubernetes administrator of cluster with more than 100 nodes - Experienced in both data engineering and data science
  • Verified Profile
  • Face to Face
  • Online Tutoring
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Daniel Q.

Daniel Q.

Markham, Canada
  • Dropbox, Google Cloud, Google Drive, GSuite, Storage and Datastore
14 year experience as a Computer Science and IT Tutor
I am an expert in Computer Science, Coding, IT fundamentals and specialist in Pedagogical Mediation. I'm from Costa Rica, but based in Stoufville, ON....
  • Dropbox, Google Cloud, Google Drive, GSuite, Storage and Datastore
14 year experience as a Computer Science and IT Tutor
I am an expert in Computer Science, Coding, IT fundamentals and specialist in Pedagogical Mediation. I'm from Costa Rica, but based in Stoufville, ON....
  • Verified Profile
  • Online Tutoring
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